1. A. V. Karlashov and A. P. Batov, Fiz.-Khim. Mekh. Mater., No. 4 (1968).
2. A. V. Karlashov, R. G. Gainutdinov, and A. T. Pankov, Fiz.-Khim. Mekh. Mater., No. 3 (1973).
3. A. V. Karlashov and R. G. Gainutdinov, in: Proceedings of the Fifth All-Union Conference on the Physicochemical Mechanics of Materials [in Russian], Ufa (1971).
4. A. V. Karlashov, R. G. Gainutdinov, and A. T. Pankov, in: The Protection of Metals from Corrosion and Other Forms of Attack [in Russian], Naukova Dumka (1972).
5. A. V. Karlashov and A. P. Batov, in: Scientific Transactions on Applied Mechanics [in Russian], Vol. 2, KIIGA, Kiev (1969).