1. P. D. Bacsich,Injective hulls as completions, Glasgow Math. J. (to appear).
2. P. D. Bacsich,Injectivity in model theory, Colloq. Math. (to appear).
3. K. A. Baker,Equational axiom problems in algebras whose congruence lattices are distributive (to appear).
4. S. Balcerzyk and J. Mycielski,On faithful representations of free products of groups, Fundamenta Math.50 (1961), 63–71.
5. B. Banaschewski,Injectivity and essential extensions in equational classes of algebras, Proceedings of the Conference on Universal Algebra (October, 1969), Queen’s Papers in Pure and Applied Mathematics No. 25, Kingston, Ontario, 1970, 131–147.