1. A. D. Kuritsina, collection: Friction and Wear in Machines [in Russian], Izd. AN SSSR, 11, 1956.
2. V. G. Lyutsau, collection: Friction and Wear in Machines [in Russian], Izd. AN SSSR, 11, 1956.
3. V. P. Grechin, Wear-Resistant Cast Irons and Other Alloys [in Russian], Mashgiz, 1961.
4. B. D. Grozin, collection: Developments in the Theory of Friction and Wear [in Russian], Izd. AN SSSR, 1957.
5. A. D. Dubinin, Energetics of Friction and Wear of Machine Parts [in Russian], Mashgiz, 1963.