1. Thomson (Lord Kelvin) W (1845) Extrait D’une lettre de M. William Thomson a M. Liouville, Originally in. Journal de Mathematiques Pures eet Appliques 10: 364
2. Thomson (Lord Kelvin) W (1847) Extrait D’une lettre de M.William Thomson a M Liouville, Originally in. Journal de Mathematiques Pures eet Appliques 12: 256–264
3. Thomson (Lord Kelvin) W (1872) Reprint of papers on electricity and magnetism. Macmillan, London, pp, pp 144–146
4. Maxwell JC (1954) A treatise on electricity and magnetism, chap XI. Dover Publications, New York
5. Binns KJ, Lawrenson PJ (1973) Analysis and computation of electric and magnetic field problems. Pergamon Press, Oxford