1. Zhang P, Zhang G, Du H (2018) Circulating current suppression of parallel photovoltaic grid-connected converters. IEEE Trans Circuits Syst II Express Briefs 65(9):1214–1218
2. Fei J, Wang H (2020) Experimental investigation of recurrent neural network fractional-order sliding mode control of active power filter. IEEE Trans Circuits Syst II Express Briefs 67(11):2522–2526
3. Pal D, Panigrahi BK. Impact of DC-bus voltage control on synchronization stability of grid-tied inverters. IEEE Trans Circuits Syst II Express Briefs. to be published
4. Queiroz SS, Oliveira DS, Praça PP, Barreto LHSC (2022) Investigation of a circuit model and a control strategy for the generalized cascaded full-bridge converter. IEEE Trans Circuits Syst II Express Briefs 69(3):1337–1341
5. Xiong Y, Ye Y (2019) Physical interpretations of grid voltage full feedforward for grid-tied inverter. IEEE Trans Circuits Syst II Express Briefs 66(2):267–271