1. Avery, William H. “A Congressman Looks at ETV.”NAEB Journal XIX: 13–17; May-June 1960.
2. Harris, Oren, “Why I Favor Federal Legislation to Aid Construction of ETV Facilities.”NAEB Journal XIX: 26–29; May-June 1960.
3. Hull, Richard B. “A Note on the History Behind ETV.”Educational Television: The Next Ten Years. (Edited by Wilbur Schramm.) Stanford, Calif.: The Institute for Communication Research, 1962. pp. 334–45.
4. Magnuson, Warren G. “A Case Against Waste.”NAEB Journal XIX: 21–25; May-June 1960.
5. Marks, Leonard H. (Cohn and Marks) Letter to the author dated January 22,1965.