High-Tin Bronze Gong Making


Pigott Vincent C.,Goodway Martha


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


General Engineering,General Materials Science

Reference10 articles.

1. Harold C. Conklin, Ethnographic Atlas of the Ifugao: A Study of Environment, Culture, and Society in Northern Luzon, (with the special assistance of Pugguwon Lupaih and Nicholas Pinter), New Haven and London 1980.

2. Martha Goodway and Harold C. Conklin, “Quenched High-Tin Bronzes from the Philippines,” Archeomaterials, 2 (1987), pp. 1–27.

3. Edw. Jacobson and J.H. van Hasselt, De Gong-Fabricatie te Semarang. Rijks Ethnographisch Museum Serie II No. 15, Leiden 1907. This publication includes twelve plates of gong making photographed in 1906 by O. Hisgen. Annotated translation by Andrew Toth, “The Manufacture of Gongs in Semarang,” Indonesia, No. 19 (1975), pp. 127-152.

4. E-tu Zen Sun and Shiou-Chuan Sun, trans., Tien Kung Kai Wu. Chinese Technology in the Seventeenth Century. Penn. State U. Press 1966, p. 197. Stanislas Julien, trans., “Procede des Chinois pour Fabriquer les Tam-Tams et les Cymbales,” Annales de Chemie et de Phvsique, 54 (1833), pp. 329-331. Translation in Goodway and Conklin, Appendix C.

5. E. Voce, in H.H. Coghlan, Notes on the Prehistoric Metallurgy of Copper and Bronze in the Old Age, Oxford 1951, pp. 110–111, and plate VII.

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