Co-seismic and rainfall-triggered landslide hazard susceptibility assessment for Uganda derived using fuzzy logic and geospatial modelling techniques


Oleng MorrisORCID,Ozdemir Zuhal,Pilakoutas Kypros


AbstractUganda has suffered from many damaging landslides like the 1966 Rwenzori, 1994 Kisomoro and 2010 Bududa events. Despite escalating landslide risks exacerbated by rapid deforestation, urbanization and population growth coupled with a substandard building stock, comprehensive national co-seismic and rainfall-induced landslide hazard and risk maps for Uganda do not exist. This study therefore aims to conduct landslide hazard assessment and zonation for Uganda using a geospatial-based fuzzy logic methodology. In this methodology, landslide frequency ratios obtained for the 1966 Toro and 1994 Kisomoro earthquakes are assigned to the stochastic event-based probabilistic seismic hazard map derived using OpenQuake-engine. The available co-seismic and rainfall-induced landslide inventory datasets are used to derive the distribution of landslide frequency ratios based on geology, topographic slope position index, slope aspect, slope angle, distance from streams, and proximity to major active faults. The spatial distribution of fuzzy membership functions obtained from frequency ratios are overlaid and aggregated to produce landslide susceptibility maps showing relative probabilities of landslide occurrences across Uganda. Results indicate that the highest overall landslide hazard susceptibility is expected in areas comprising highly weathered outcropping rocks of precambrian granites, dominantly metasedimentary, and granulites and gneisses geologies within 40 km from major active faults; where the bedrock peak ground acceleration ≥ 0.1 g, topographic position index ≥ 3.8, slope gradient ≥ 10°, and the distance from streams ≤ 1.25 km. These findings can inform Uganda’s directorate of disaster preparedness and management towards pioneering the development of co-seismic landslide risk mitigation measures for the country.


Commonwealth Scholarship Commission


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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