1. For review of the early work on spin-polarized hydrogen see T.J. Greytak and D. Kleppner, in New Trends in Atomic Physics, G. Grynberg and R. Stora, (Eds.): North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1984; I.F. Silvera and J.T.M.Walraven, in Progress in Low Temperature Physics, D.F. Brewer (Ed.): North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1986, Vol. X; J.T.M. Walraven, in Quantum Dynamics of Simple Systems, G.L. Oppo, S.M. Barnett, E. Riis, and M. Wilkinson, (Eds.): Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol, 1994
2. C.L. Cesar, D.G. Fried, T.C. Killian, A.D. Polcyn, J.C. Sandberg, I.A. Yu, T.J. Greytak, D. Kleppner, J.M. Doyle: Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 255 (1996)
3. E.L. Surkov, J.T.M. Walraven, G.V. Shlyapnikov: Phys. Rev. A 49, 4778 (1994); Phys. Rev. A 53, 3403 (1996)
4. I.D. Setija, H.G.C. Werij, O.J. Luiten, M.W. Reynolds, T.M. Hijmans, J.T.M. Walraven: Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, 2257 (1993)
5. J. Doyle, J.C. Sandberg, I.A. Yu, C.L. Cesar, D. Kleppner, and T.J. Greytak: Phys. Rev. Lett. 67, 603 (1991)