1. See URL at http://www.akamai.com/
2. Amir, A., Ponceleon, D., Blanchard, B., Petkovic, D., Srinivasan, S. and G. Cohen, Using Audio Time Scale Modification for Video Browsing. Proceedings of HICSS-33, Hawaii, Jan. 2000.
3. Gupta, A. and Jain, R. Visual information retrieval. Communications of the ACM 40, 5(May. 1997), Pages 70–79. Also see URL at http://www.virage.com/ .
4. Hoschka, P. (ed.). Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language, World Wide Web Consortium Recommendation. June 1998. URL: http://www.w3/org/TR/REC-smil .
5. Kristensen, A., Developing HTML Based Web Applications, Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Web Engineering at WWW7 Conference, Brisbane, 14 April 1998