1. P. Baldan, A. Corradini, H. Ehrig, and R. Heckel. Compositional Modeling of Reactive Systems Using Open Nets. In Proc. of CONCUR’01, 2001. To appear.
2. P. Degano, J. Meseguer, and U. Montanari. Axiomatizing Net Computations and Processes. In Proc. of LICS’89, pages 175–185, 1989.
3. H. Ehrig, M. Groβe-Rhode, and A. Heise. Specification Techniques for Concurrent and Distributed Systems. Technical Report 92/5, Technical University of Berlin, jan. 1992. Invited paper for 2nd Maghr. Conference on Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence, Tunis, 1992.
4. H. Ehrig, M. Gajewsky, and F. Parisi-Presicce. High-Level Replacement Systems with Applications to Algebraic Specifications and Petri Nets, chapter 6, pages 341–400. Number 3: Concurrency, Parallelism, and Distribution in Handbook of Graph Grammars and Computingb y Graph Transformations. World Scientific, 1999.
5. H. Ehrig and B. Mahr. Fundamentals of Algebraic Specification 1: Equations and Initial Semantics, volume 6 of EATCS Monographs on Theoretical Computer Science. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1985.