Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Reference26 articles.
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2. É. Alphonse and C. Rouveirol. Test Incorporation for Propositionalization Methods in ILP. Technical report, LRI, Université Paris-Sud, 1999. Supported by ESPRIT Framework IV through LTR ILP2.
3. L. Badea and M. Stanciu. Refinement Operators Can Be (Weakly) Perfect. In S. Džeroski and P. Flach, editors, Inductive Logic Programming, 9th
International Workshop, ILP-99, volume 1634 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 21–32. Springer, 1999.
4. J. Cussens and A. Frisch, editors. Inductive Logic Programming—ILP 2000, Proceedings of the 10th
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5. J. Cussens and A. Frisch, editors. Inductive Logic Programming—ILP 2000, Proceedings of the 10th
International Conference on Inductive Logic Programming, volume 1866 of Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Imperial College, UK, July 2000. Springer.