1. P.K. Agarwal and P. Desikan, An Efficient Algorithm for Terrain Simplification, Proc. 8th ACM-SIAM SODA, 1997, 139–147.
2. P.K. Agarwal and S. Suri, Surface Approximation and Geometric Partitions, SIAM J. Comput., 19(1998), 1016–1035.
3. R.K. Ahuja, T.L. Magnanti, and J.B. Orlin, Network Flows: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications, Prentice Hall, Inc., 1993.
4. N. Amenta, S. Choi, T.K. Dey, and N. Leekha, A Simple Algorithm for Homeomorphic Surface Reconstruction, Proc. 16th ACM Symp. Comp. Geom., 2000, 213–222. Also International J. of Computational Geometry and Applications, to appear.
5. N. Amenta, S. Choi, and R.K. Kolluri, The Power Crust, Unions of Balls, and the Medial Axis Transform, International J. of Computational Geometry and Applications, to appear.