1. William W. Cohen: Learning Rules that Classify E-mail. In Proceedings of the 1996 AAAI Spring Symposium on Machine Learning in Information Access
2. W. W. Cohen, Y. Singer: Context-Sensitive Learning Methods for Text Categorization. In Proceedings of SIGIR-1996
3. M. Craven, D. DiPasquo, D. Freitag, A. McCallum, T. Mitchell, K. Nigam and S. Slattery: Learning to Extract Symbolic Knowledge from the World Wide Web. In Proceedings of the 15th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-98)
4. Fredrik Kilander: Properties of Electronic Texts for Classification Purposes as Suggested by Users.
5. D. D. Lewis: Naïve (Bayes) at Forty: The Independent Assumption in Information Retrieval. In European Conference on Machine Learning, 1998