1. Smith, D.A. and G.R. Crane, Disambiguating Geographic Names in a Historical Digital Library. 2001, Perseus Project/Tufts University: Medford, MA.
2. Rydberg-Cox, J.A., A. Mahoney, and G.R. Crane. Document Quality Indicators and Corpus Editions. in JDCL 2001: The First ACM+IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. 2001. Roanoke, VA, USA: ACM Press.
3. Crane, G. The Perseus Project and the Problems of Digital Humanities. in Standards und Methoden der Volltextdigitalisierung. 2001. Trier, Germany: Mainz Academy.
4. Crane, G., et al., Drudgery and Deep Thought: Designing Digital Libraries for the Humanities. Communications of the ACM, 2001. 44(5).
5. Crane, G., D.A. Smith, and C. Wulfman. Building a Hypertextual Digital Library in the Humanities: A Case Study on London. in JDCL 2001: The First ACM+IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. 2001. Roanoke, VA, USA: ACM Press.