1. Don Coppersmith, Jacques Stern, Serge Vaudenay: Attacks on the birational permutation signature schemes; CRYPTO 93, Springer-Verlag, pp. 435–443.
2. Don Coppersmith, Samuel Winograd: “Matrix multiplication via arithmetic progressions”; J. Symbolic Computation (1990), 9, pp. 251–280.
3. Nicolas Courtois: La séxcurité des primitives cryptographiques basées sur les problèmes algébriques multivariables MQ, IP, MinRank, et HFE, PhD thesis, Paris 6 University, to appear in 2001, partly in English.
4. Nicolas Courtois: The HFE cryptosystem home page. Describes all aspects of HFE and allows to download an example of HFE challenge.
5. Nicolas Courtois: The Minrank problem. MinRank, a new Zero-knowledge scheme based on the NP-complete problem. Presented at the rump session of Crypto 2000, available at