1. Betsumiya, K.: Type II property for self-dual codes over finite fields of characteristic two. (submitted).
2. Betsumiya, K., Gulliver, T.A., Harada, M. and Munemasa, A.: On Type II codes over IF4. IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory. (to appear).
3. Gaborit, P., Pless, V., Solé, P. and Atkin, O.: Type II codes over IF4. (preprint).
4. Huffman, W.C.: “Codes and groups,” in Handbook of Coding Theory, V.S. Pless and W.C. Huffman (Eds.), Elsevier, Amsterdam 1998, pp. 1345–1440
5. Munemasa, A.: Type II codes and quadratic forms over a finite field of characteristic two. The Ohio State Univ. Math. Research Institute Monograph Ser. (to appear).