1. Shigeo Hirose: Considerations on the Design of Hyper-Redundant Versatile Robotic System, Proc. TITech COE/Super Mechano-Systems workshop’ 98, pp.12–17 (1998)
2. Shigeo Hirose, and Akio Morishima: Design and Control of a Mobile Robot with an Articulated Body, Int. J. of Robotics Research, vol.9, no.2, pp.99–114 (1990)
3. Shigeo Hirose: Biologically Inspired Robots (Snake-like Locomotor and Manipulator), Oxford University Press (1993)
4. Edwardo F. Fukushima, Shigeo Hirose: How to Steer the Long Articulated Body Mobile Robot “KR-II”; Proc. Int. Conf. on Advanced Robotics, pp.729–735 (1995)
5. Shigeo Hirose, Gen Endo: Development of Autonomous Snake-Like Robot ACM R-1, Proc. Annual Conf. Robotics & Mechatronics’ 97, pp.309–310 (1997) (in Japanese)