1. Brown, J., Sorkin, S., Bruyns, C., Latombe, JC., Montgomery, K., Stephanides, M.: Real-time Simulation of Deformable Objects: Tools and Application, Computer Animation 2001, Seoul, Korea,(6–8 November 2001).
2. Bruyns, C; Montgomery, K; Wildermuth, S.: Advanced Astronaut Training/Simulation System for Rat Dissection, Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 02/10, J.D. Westwood, et al. (Eds.), Newport Beach,CA. IOS Press. (24–27 Jan 2001) 75–81. 2001.
3. Bruyns, C., Ottensmeyer, M.P.: The Development of a Physically Based Virtual Animal Model using Soft-Tissue Parameter Testing. 5th IASTED International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging, Kauai, HI, (12–14 Aug 2002) Accepted for publication. 2002.
4. Bruyns, C., Senger, S., Menon, A., Montgomery, K., Wildermuth, S., Boyle, R.: A survey of interactive mesh cutting techniques and a new method for implementing generalized interactive mesh cutting using virtual tools. The Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation. (In Press)
5. Open discussion at Common Anatomical Modeling Language Round Table, Utrecht, Netherlands, October 2001.