1. Alwyn Barry. XCS Performance and Population Structure within Multiple-Step Environments. PhD thesis, Queens University Belfast, 2000.
2. Alwyn M. Barry. The stability of long action chains in xcs. Journal of Soft Computing, 6(3–4):183–199, 2002.
3. Ester Bernadó, Xavier Llorà, and Josep M. Garrell. XCS and GALE: a Comparative Study of Two Learning Classifier Systems with Six Other Learning Algorithms on Classification Tasks. In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Learning Classifier Systems (IWLCS-2001), pages 337–341, 2001. Short version publishe in Genetic and Evolutionary Compution Conference (GECCO2001).
4. Larry Bull. On using ZCS in a Simulated Continuous Double-Auction Market. In Wolfgang Banzhaf, Jason Daida, Agoston E. Eiben, Max H. Garzon, Vasant Honavar, Mark Jakiela, and Robert E. Smith, editors, Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-99), pages 83–90. Morgan Kaufmann, 1999.
5. Larry Bull. On accuracy-based fitness. Journal of Soft Computing, 6(3–4):154–161, 2002.