1. H. Ait-Kaci. The WAM: a (real) tutorial. Technical Report 5, DEC Paris Research Report, 1990 See also: http://www.isg.sfu.ca/~hak/documents/wam.html .
2. K. Appleby, M. Carlsson, S. Haridi, and D. Sahlin. Garbage collection for Prolog based on WAM. Communications of the ACM, 31(6):719–741, June 1988.
3. Lect Notes Comput Sci;Y. Bekkers,1992
4. Lect Notes Comput Sci;J. Bevemyr,1994
5. M. Carlsson. Design and Implementation of an Or-Parallel Prolog Engine. PhD thesis, The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stokholm, Sweden, Mar. 1990 See also: http://www.sics.se/isl/sicstus.html .