Wysocki Michał,Ciszek Karol,Rymarowicz Justyna,Zarzycki Piotr,Walędziak Maciej,Bartosiak Katarzyna,Jaworski Paweł,Kupczyk Wojciech,Szeliga Jacek,Tarnowski Wiesław,Pisarska-Adamczyk Magdalena,Małczak Piotr,Pędziwiatr Michał,Major Piotr,Stefura Tomasz,Myśliwiec Piotr,Hady Hady Razak,Głuszyńska Paulina,Proczko-Stepaniak Monika,Szymański Michał,Janik Michał,Kwiatkowski Andrzej,Materlak Magdalena,Czyżykowski Łukasz,Mawlichanów Maciej,Kowalewski Piotr,Dowgiałło-Gornowicz Natalia,Lech Paweł,Harań Anna,Kowalski Grzegorz,Mulek Rafał,Kreft Michał,Orłowski Michał,Franczak Paula,Binda Artur,Kamiński Mateusz,Pastuszka Maciej,Lisik Wojciech,Szymański Paweł,Katkowski Bartosz,Leśniak Michał,
Metabolic/bariatric surgery is the only proven treatment for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D) with curative intent. However, in a number of patients, the surgery is not effective or they may experience a relapse. Those patients can be offered re-do bariatric surgery (RBS).
The study aimed to determine factors increasing the odds for T2D remission one year after RBS following primary laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.
A multicenter retrospective cohort study was conducted between January 2010 and January 2020, which included 12 bariatric centers in Poland. The study population was divided into groups: Group 1- patients with T2D remission after RBS (n = 28) and Group 2- patients without T2D remission after RBS (n = 49). T2D remission was defined as HBA1c < 6.0% without glucose-lowering pharmacotherapy and glycemia within normal range at time of follow-up that was completed 12 months after RBS.
Fifty seven females and 20 males were included in the study. Patients who achieved BMI < 33 kg/m2 after RBS and those with %EBMIL > 60.7% had an increased chance of T2D remission (OR = 3.39, 95%CI = 1.28–8.95, p = 0.014 and OR = 12.48, 95%CI 2.67–58.42, p = 0.001, respectively). Time interval between primary LSG and RBS was significantly shorter in Group 1 than in Group 2 [1 (1–4) vs. 3 (2–4) years, p = 0.023].
Shorter time interval between LSG and RBS may ease remission of T2D in case of lack of remission after primary procedure. Significant excess weight loss seems to be the most crucial factor for T2D remission.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC