1. A. Brown and E. Ghate, Dihedral congruence primes and class fields of real quadratic fields, to appear in J. Number Theory.
2. London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser., 254;R Coleman,1996
3. F. Diamond, Congruence primes for cusp forms of weight k = 2, in Courbes modulaires et courbes de Shimura (Orsay, 1987/1988), Astirisque 196–197 (1991), 205–213.
4. E. Ghate, Adjoint L-values and primes of congruence for Hilbert modular forms, to appear in Compositio Math.
5. E. Ghate, On the freeness of the integral cohomology groups of Hilbert-Blumenthal varieties as Hecke-modules, preprint.