1. The American Public Health Association (1955). Control of Communicable Diseases in Man. 8th ed. New York N.Y. 219 pp.
2. Bailey, N. T. J. (1957). The Mathematical Theory of Epidemics. Charles Griffin, London, vii + 194 pp
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4. El'sgol'ts, L. E. (1966). Introduction to the Theory of Differential Equations with Deviating Arguments. Transl. byRobert J. McLaughlin. Holden-Day Inc. San Francisco-London-Amsterdam, ii + 109 pp.
5. Kendall, D. G. (1956). Deterministic and Stochastic Epidemics in Closed Populalations. Proceedings of the 3rd Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, Vol. IV, p. 149?165.