1. Ivimey, M.: The Meaning of Transference. Am. J. Psychoan., V, 3, 1945.
2. Kelman, H.: Communing and Relating, Part 1, Past and Current Perspectives. Am. J. Psychoan. XVIII, 77, 1958.
3. Horney, K.: Psychoanalytic Technique. Course given at Amer. Inst. of Psychoan.: Lecture on The Analyst's Personal Equation, 1946; see also Azorin, L.: The Analyst's Personal Equation, Am. J. Psychoan., XVII, 1957, 34—38, 17.
4. Horney, K.: Psychoanalytic Therapy: Course given at Amer. Inst. of Psychoan.: Lecture on The Quality of the Analyst's Attention, 1950. See also Cantor, M. B.: The Quality of the Analyst's Attention, Am. J. Psychoan., XIX, 28–32, 1959.
5. Kelman, H.: The Analytic Process: Course given at Amer. Inst. of Psychoan., 1948.