Hybreed: A software framework for developing context-aware hybrid recommender systems


Hussein Tim,Linder Timm,Gaulke Werner,Ziegler Jürgen


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Computer Science Applications,Human-Computer Interaction,Education

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2. Web-Based Patient Recommender Systems for Preventive Care: Protocol for Empirical Research Propositions;JMIR Research Protocols;2023-03-30

3. A Systematic Review on Food Recommender Systems for Diabetic Patients;International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health;2023-02-27

4. Fifteen Years of Recommender Systems Research in Higher Education: Current Trends and Future Direction;Applied Artificial Intelligence;2023-02-05

5. A Transductive SVM and Improvised DBSC for Recommended Systems;2022 Second International Conference on Advanced Technologies in Intelligent Control, Environment, Computing & Communication Engineering (ICATIECE);2022-12-16








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