1. Reviews are given in: A. Pich (CERN): Tau Physics, CERN-TH-6237-91, 1991, to appear in: Heavy, flavours, A.J. Buras, M. Lindner (eds.). Singapore: World Scientific 1991; C. Kiesling: in ?High energy electron-positron physics? p. 177, A. Ali, P. Söding (eds.). Singapore: World Scientific 1989; B.C. Barish, R. Stroynowski: Phys. Rep. 157 (1988) 1
2. M. Davier: Summary talk given at the 2nd Workshop on Tau Lepton Physics, Ohio (USA 1992), to appear in the proceedings and Orsay preprint LAL 92-74
3. H. Albrecht et al., ARGUS Coll.: Phys. Lett. B246 (1990) 278; H. Janssen et al., Crystal Ball Coll.: Phys. Lett B228 (1989) 273; S. Behrends et al.: CLEO Coll.: Phys. Rev. D32 (1985) 2468
4. H. Albrecht et al.: ARGUS Coll.: Z. Phys. C 56 (1992) 339
5. H. Albrecht et al.: ARGUS Coll.: Phys. Lett. B250 (1990) 164