1. Kandzia, P.: On the most-recent-property of ALGOL-like programs. Automata, Languages, and Programming-2nd Colloquium. Loeckx, J. (ed.) (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 14), 1974
2. Kaufholz, G., Lippe, W.: A note on a paper of H. Langmaack about procedure parameter transmission. Bericht A74/06. Universität des Saarlandes, Saarbrücken, 1974
3. Kral, J.: The equivalence of modes and the equivalence of finite automata. ALGOL Bulletin 35, 4.5, 35?36 (1973)
4. Langmaack, H.: On correct procedure parameter transmission in higher programming languages. Acta Informat. 2, 110?142 (1973)
5. Langmaack, H.: On procedures as open subroutines. I. Acta Informat. 2, 311?333 (1973)