1. A. R. Kaufmann and E. Gordon: Vacuum Melting and Casting of Beryllium. Metal Progress (September 1947) p. 387.
2. A. R. Kaufmann, P. Gordon, and D. W. Lillie: The Metallurgy of Beryllium. Trans. ASM (1950) p. 785.
3. E. C. Creutz, D. G. Gurinsky, J. H. Chapin, R. W. Yancey, F. G. Foote, H. Bethke, and A. R. Kaufmann: The Extrusion of Beryllium. AECD-2883.
4. H. H. Hausner and N. P. Pinto: The Powder Metallurgy of Beryllium. ASM Preprint No. 38 (1950).
5. A. U. Seybolt, J. P. Frandsen, and R. M. Linsmayer: Hot Pressing Beryllium Powder. Steel (March 27, 1950) p. 71.