1. Barry, J. P. 1978. Georgian Bay; the sixth Great Lake. Clarke, Irwin, Toronto, pp 190.
2. Bennett, E. B. 1988. On the physical limnology of Georgian Bay. In M. Munawar (ed.), Limnol. Fish. Georgian Bay/North Channel Ecosystems. Hydrobiologia, this volume.
3. Berton, P. 1962. The great railway. McClelland and Stewart, Toronto, pp. 336.
4. Brown, R. 1978. Ghost towns of Ontario. Stagecoach publ. Co., Langley, BC., pp. 200.
5. Carter, J. 1975. Seasonal abundance and horizontal distribution of planktonic crustacea of Georgian Bay. Fish. Mar. Serv. Tech. Rept. # 558, Ottawa, pp. 20.