1. M. Gell, D.N. Duhl, D.K. Gupta and K.D. Sheffler, Journal of Metals, 39(11) (1987).
2. H. Inouye, Niobium—Proceedings of the International Symposium, ed. H. Stuart (1981), p. 615.
3. A.J. Meyer, Jr., and G.C. Deutsch, Cermets, ed. J.R. Tinklepaugh and W.B. Crandall (New York: W.B. Reinhold Publishing Corporation, 1960), pp. 196–207.
4. Intermetallic Compounds, ed. J.H. Westbrook (New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1967).
5. Ordered Alloys—Structural Application and Physical Metallurgy, ed. B.H. Kear, proceedings of the Third Bolton Landing Conference, September 1969.