1. Post, J. R., W. M. Husslage, Y. Yang andM. A. Reuter: The Distributed Nature of Material Properties and Its Effect on Liquid Flow and Mass Transfer in the Blast Furnace Lower Zone. International Blast Furnace Lower Zone Symposium, Australia, 25–27 Nov. 2002, 6–13.
2. Post, J. R., Y. Yang andM. A. Reuter: Modelling the inhomogeneous dead man of a blast furnace: the population balance model approach. Proceedings of IMPC-2003, XXII International Mineral Processing Congress, Eds. L. Lorenzen and D. J. Bradshaw, Cape Town, 28 September–3 October 2003, 1396–1405.
3. Post, J. R., T. Peeters, Y. Yang andM. A. Reuter: Hot metal flow in the blast furnace hearth: thermal and carbon dissolution effects on buoyancy, flow and refractory wear. CFD-2003, 3rd International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics in the Minerals & Process Industries, Melbourne, 10–12 December 2003.
4. Post, J. R., D. Tognarelli, J. van der Stel, Y. Yang andM. A. Reuter: Hot Metal flow in the hearth of a blast furnace: Influence of dynamic changes in the dead man porosity due to coke dissolution and coke size changes. Proceedings of the 5th European Iron & Cokemaking Conference, 12–15 June 2005, Stockholm.
5. Georgalli, G. A., andM. A. Reuter: Modelling the co-ordination number of a packed bed of spheres with distributed sizes using a CT scanner. Minerals Engineering, 2005 (in press).