1. R. P. Martineau, "On simple groups of order prime to 3," Proc. London Math. Soc.,25, 213–252 (1972).
2. D. Gorenstein, Finite Groups, Harper and Row, New York (1968).
3. V. M. Busarkin and Yu. M. Gorchakov, Finite Groups Admitting a Partition [in Russian], Nauka (1968).
4. N. D. Podufalov, "On groups without elements of order 6," in: Fifth All-Union Symposium on Group Theory, Abstracts of Reports, Krasnodar (1976), p. 69.
5. N. D. Podufalov, "Finite simple groups without elements of order 6 and 10," Algebra Logika,14, No. 1, 79–85 (1975).