1. Bellrose, F. C., 1968. Waterfowl migration corridors east of the Rocky Mountains in the United States. Illinois Ntrl. Hist. Surv., Biol. Notes No. 61, 24 pp.
2. Botts, L. & B. Krushelnicki, 1987. The Great Lakes: An environmental atlas and resource book. Produced by: Env. Canada, U.S. Env. Protect. Agency, Brock Univ. (Ontario) and Northwestern Univ. (Illinois). Chicago, Ill. and Toronto, Ont., 44 pp.
3. Burt, A. J., P. M. McKee & D. R. Hart, 1988. Benthic invertebrate survey of the St. Marys River, 1985. Volume 1 — Main Report. Prep. for Ontario Min. Env., Toronto, Ont. by Beak Consultants Ltd., Brampton, Ont. (Contract Nos. A89538 & A98444), 88 pp. + app.
4. Burt, A. J., P. M. McKee, D. R. Hart & P. B. Kauss, 1991. Effects of pollution on benthic invertebrate communities of the St. Marys River, 1985. Hydrobiologia 219: 63–81.
5. CCGL (Coordinating Committee on Great Lakes Basic Hydraulic and Hydrologic Data), 1977. Coordinated Great Lakes physical data.