1. G. M. Lomize, “Basic generalization of investigations of the deformability and strength of sands and clays for various load trajectories and conditions,” in: Transactions of the Department of Soil Mechanics, Beds, and Foundations at the 8th International Congress on Soil Mechanics [in Russian], Izd. MISI (1973).
2. Collection of Papers: Problems of Soil Strength and Deformability [in Russian], Azerneshr, Baku (1966).
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4. G. M. Lomize (editor), Collection of Papers: Problems of Soil Mechanics and Construction on Loess Foundations [in Russian], Checheno-Ingushskoe Knizhnoe Izdatel'stvo, Groznyi (1970).
5. P. A. Rebinder, Transactions of the Conferences on the Engineering Geologic Properties of Rocks and Methods of Studying Them [in Russian], Izd. AN SSSR, Moscow (1956).