1. Anon. A review of the Olive Oil Picture. Soap and Sanitary Chemicals,17 [No. 9], 21–3 (1941).
2. Shingler, M. P. National Pecan Growers Exchange, Albany, Georgia. Private communication, March 26, 1942.
3. Emery, H. E. Deming Oil Mill, Deming, New Mex. Private communication, February 15, 1942.
4. Rabak, Frank. Safflower, a Possible New Oil-Seed Crop for the Northern Great Plains and the Far Western States. United States Department of Agriculture Circular No. 366. Washington, U. S. Government Printing Office, 1936.
5. Official and Tentative Methods of the American Oil Chemists’ Society, revised to January 1, 1941.