1. K. G. Wilson and J. Kogut,Physics Reports 12c:76 (1974).
2. K. G. Wilson, inProceedings of the Cargèse Summer School on Field Theory and Critical Phenomena (1973), E. Brézin and J. Charap, eds., Gordon and Breach, New York (to be published).
3. L. P. Kadanoff, inProceedings of the Cargèse Summer School on Field Theory and Critical Phenomena (1973), E. Brézin and J. Charap, eds., Gordon and Breach, New York (to be published).
4. Th. Neimeijer and J. M. J. van Leeuwen, to be published.
5. F. J. Wegner, lectures prepared for the VII Finnish Summer School in Theoretical Solid State Physics, August 1?10, 1973, Siikajärui, Finland.