1. Tewarson, A., “Flammability of Polymers and Organic Liquids, Part I — Burning Intensity,” Factory Mutual Research Corporation Technical Report No. 22429 (February 1975).
2. “Solid, Palletized, and Rack Storage of Plastics,” Factory Mutual System, Loss Prevention Data 8–9 (June 1974).
3. Dean, R. K., “Stored Plastics Test Program,” Factory Mutual Research Corporation Technical Report No. 20269 (to be issued).
4. Maron, W. F., “Rigid Cellular Plastic Wall Insulation,”Fire Journal, Vol. 66, No. 6 (November 1972), pp. 39–41, 43.
5. Maroni, W. F., “Large-Scale Fire Tests of Rigid Cellular Plastic Wall and Roof Insulations,”Fire Journal, Vol. 67, No. 6 (November 1973), pp. 24–29.