1. S.G. Gong, 1988 (September). Improved Local Flow. In Alvey Vision Conference, pages 129–134, University of Manchester, Manchester, England.
2. S.G. Gong, 1989a (March). Curve Motion Constraint Equation and its Applications in the Parallel Visual Motion Estimation. In IEEE Workshop on Visual Motion, University of California, Irvine, California.
3. S.G. Gong, 1989b (September). Parallel Computation of Visual Motion. PhD thesis, Department of Engineering Science, Oxford University.
4. E.C. Hildreth, 1984. The Measurement of Visual Motion. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
5. D.W. Murray and B.F. Buxton, 1989. Experiments in the Machine Interpretation of Visual Motion. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.