1. “Survey of the Maintenance and Repair Problems of Basic Oxygen Steel Making Off-Gas Systems”. International Iron and Steel Institute Committee on Technology, Belgium, 1981.
2. W. Edgar; Inland Steel Company. East Chicago. IN. private communication, 1982.
3. R. W. Adams: “Waste Gas Handling”, chap. 10.BOF Steelmaking, Process Technology Division of the Iron and Steel Institute of the AIME, Iron and Steel Society of AIME, New York, NY, 1973, vol. 3.
4. G. Forsythe and C. B. Moler:Computer Solution of Linear Algebraic-Systems, Prentice-Hall, Englewood, NJ, 1967.
5. H.C. Hottel: “Radiant Heat Transmission”, chap. 4,Heat Transmission, 3rd ed., W. H. McAdams, ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, NY, 1964.