1. Acreman MC. Principles of water management for people and the environment. In: de Shirbinin A, Dompka V, editors. Water and population dynamics. American Association for the Advancement of Science; 1998. p. 321.
2. World Bank water resources and environmental management best practice brief;MC Acreman,2003
3. Acreman MC, Dunbar MJ. Methods for defining environmental river flow requirements – a review. Hydrol Earth Syst Sci. 2004;8(5):861–76.
4. Acreman MC, Elliott CRN. Evaluation of the river Wey restoration project using the Physical HABitat SIMuation (PHABSIM) model. Proceedings of the MAFF Conference of River and Coastal Engineers, Keele, 3–5 July 1996.
5. Acreman MC, Ferguson A. Environmental flows and European Water Framework Directive. Freshw Biol. 2010;55:32–48.