1. CIA World Fact Book (internet) reports the following approximate death rates per 1,000 people in 2004: Austria 10, Chad 16, China 7 [unbelievably low], India 9 [unbelievably low], Mosambique 23, Somalia 17 [unbelievably low], Zimbabwe 23, United States 8, World average is 9 (of 6.4 billion people in the world) [again this unbelievably low as the U.S. has 8]. In 2002 the life expectancy age (at birth) according to WHO was: Afghanistan age 35, Angola 33, Ethiopia 41, India 53, Lesoto 31, Malawi 34, Sierra Leone 28.6, Somalia 36.8, Zimbabwe 33.6. In Western countries the age is around 70–76 with women living a few years longer. The authors of this book believe that such published figures as the CIA World Fact Book presents are far from being accurate. http://www.fao.org .
2. CARE: care.org.
3. Ziegler, J. 2002. Wie kommt der Hunger in die Welt? Ein Gespräch mit meinem Sohn, esp. 58 and 62 f. München: Goldmann Verlag Orig.: La faim dans le monde expliquee a mon fils 1999. Paris: Editions du Seuil.
4. Center for Disease Control (CDC) http://www.cdc.gov/
5. Encyclopedia Britannica Almanac 2006: 275. See updates at FAO: http://www.fao.org .