1. Zaner, A. (1991) Definition and sources of noise. In: Noise and health, Ed. Fay, T.H., The New York Academy of Medicine, New York.
2. Suter, A.H. (1991) Noise and its effects. Administrative Conference of the United States. Available at http://www.noise pollution.org/library/suter/suter.htm. Accessed October 18, 2008.
3. Berglund, B., Lindvall, T. (1995) Community noise. Arch Center Sens Res, 2, 1–195, This document is an updated version of the document published by the World Health Organization in 1980. The updated version is available at: http://www.who.int/docstore/peh/noise/guidelines2.html . Accessed October 18, 2008.
4. Lee, C.S.Y., Fleming, G.G. (2002) General health effects of transportation noise, US Department of Transportation, Washington, DC, Available at http://www.fra.dot.gov/downloads/RRDev/Health_Final.pdf . Accessed October 18, 2008.
5. United States Environmental Protection Agency (1978) Noise: a health problem, United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Noise Abatement and Control, Washington, DC.