1. U.S. EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency). (1990) National water quality inventory. 1988 Report to Congress. Office of Water. U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, USA.
2. Environmental indicators of water quality in the United States. (1996) EPA 841-R-96-002. USEPA, Office of Water (4503F), U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, USA.
3. NRC (National Research Council) (1993) Managing Wastewater in Coastal Urban Areas. National Academy Press, Washington, DC.
4. OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) (1982) Eutrophication of Waters: Monitoring, Assessment and Control. Organisation for Economic and Cooperative Development, Paris.
5. NRC (National Research Council) (1992) Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems: Science, Technology and Public Policy. National Academy Press, Washington, DC.