1. This does not purport to be a complete bibliography of all works on Nautilus. Good sources for data on the early works are Gould (1857), Griffin (1897, 1900), and Dodge (1953); for the more recent contributions, consult Stenzel (1964) and the references at the end of this volume.
2. Angas, George French, 1877, A further List of Additional Species of Marine Mollusca to be included in the Fauna of Port Jackson and the adjacent Coasts of New South Wales, Proceedings of the Scientific Meetings of the Zoological Society of London for the year 1877, Part II, pp. 178–194. (Nautilus is on page 178.)
3. Appellõf, A., 1893, Die Schalen von Sepia, Spirula und Nautilus. Studien über den Bau und das Wachstum, Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-akademiens Handlingar 25(7):1–106, plates 1–12.
4. Aristotle, ca. 335–322 B.C., Historia animalium, book IV, 525a, 26–29 (translated by A. L. Peck), Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts (1970); pp. 14–15 (translated by D’Arcy Went-worth Thompson), Clarendon Press, Oxford, England (1910). (Argonauta is discussed in book IV, 525a, 20–26, and book IX, 622b, 5–19.)
5. Athenaeus, ca. 200, Deipnosophistae, book VII, 317–318 (translated by Charles Burton Gulick), William Heinemann (1929), pp. 428–429, London.