1. Allan, Sarah. 2003. The great one, water, and the Laozi: New light from Guodian. T’oung Pao LXXXIX: 237–285. (A thorough, pioneering study of the “Taiyishengshui” from Guodian.)
2. Ames, Roger T. 1983. The art of rulership: A study of ancient Chinese political thought. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press. Reprinted, Albany: State University of New York Press, 1994. (An excellent translation and analysis of chapter 9.)
3. Ames, Roger T., and D.C. Lau. 1998. Yuan Dao: Tracing Dao to its source, Classics of ancient China. New York: Ballantine Books. (A good translation and provocative study of chapter 1.)
4. Chen, Yiping 陈一平. 1994. Huainanzi, edited, commented upon, and translated 淮南子校注译. Guangzhou: Guangdong renmin chubanshe. (Useful critical edition that includes modern Chinese translation.)
5. Chen, Jing 陳靜. 2004. Freedom and order in the study of the Huainanzi 自由與秩序的困惑淮南子研究. Kunming: Yunnan University Press. (An important study of the philosophy of the Huainanzi.)