1. Ban, Gu 班固 1962. Hanshu 漢書. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju.
2. Chang, Leo S., and Yu Feng 1998. The four political treatises of the Yellow Emperor. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press. (Translation of the Four Lost Classics with a lengthy introduction that considers the texts as an instance of realist statecraft to be contrasted with the idealist Confucianism of later times.)
3. Chen, Guying 陳鼓應 (trans. and ed.). 1995. Huangdi sijing jinzhu jinyi 黃帝四經今註今譯. Taipei: Taiwan shangwu yinshuguan. (Translation of the Four Lost Classics into modern Chinese with extensive commentaries.)
4. Gentz, Joachim 2001. Das Gongyang zhuan: Auslegung und Kanonisierung der Frühlings-und Herbstannalen (Chunqiu). Wiesbaden: Harrasowitz.
5. He, Jiejun 何介鈞 (ed.). 2004. Changsha Mawangdui er san hao Han mu: di yi juan 長沙馬王堆二三號漢墓:第一卷. Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe.