1. ATM Forum: User-Network Interface (UNI) Specification, Version 3.1, September 1994
2. A. Danthine, O. Bonaventure: From Best Effort to Enhanced QoS, Architectures and Protocols for High-Speed Networks, O. Spaniol, A. Danthine, W. Effelsberg, Eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994
3. S. Damaskus, A. Gavras, “A simplified QoS Model for Multimedia Protocols over ATM”, Participant's Proc.eedings5th IFIP Conference on High Performance Networking, Grenoble, June 27–July 1, 1994, S. Fdida, ed., pp 239–256.
4. A. Danthine, Y. Baguette, G. Leduc, L. Léonard: The OSI 95 Connection-mode Transport Service — The Enhanced QoS, High Performance Networking, IV, IFIP Transactions C-14, A. Danthine, O. Spaniol, eds., Elsevier (North-Holland), pp 235–252.
5. A. Danthine, O. Bonaventure, G. Leduc: The QoS Enhancements in OSI95, The OSI95 Transport Service with Multimedia Support, A. Danthine, ed., Springer-Verlag, pp 124–149.