1. Jakob Nielsen. Multimedia and Hypertext: The Internet and Beyond. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 1995.
2. Keith Andrews, Frank Kappe, and Hermann Maurer. Hyper-G: Towards the next generation of network information technology. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 1(4):206–220, April 1995. Special Issue: Selected Proceedings of the Workshop on Distributed Multimedia Systems, Graz, Austria, Nov. 1994. Available at http://info.iicm.tu-graz.ac.at/Cjucs_root.
3. Keith Andrews. Using 3D scenes as hypermedia nodes. Poster at ECHT'92, Milan, Italy, December 1992.
4. Michael Pichler. Interactive browsing of 3D scenes in hypermedia: The Hyper-G 3D viewer. Master's thesis, Graz University of Technology, Austria, October 1993.
5. Keith Andrews. Constructing cyberspace: Virtual reality and hypermedia. Presented at Virtual Reality Vienna '93. Available at ftp: //ftp. iicm. tu-graz. ac. at /pub/Hyper-G/papers, December 1993.