1. J. Barwise. Noun phrases, generalized quantifiers, and anaphora. In Generalized Quantifiers, pages 1–29. Reidel, Dordrecht, Holland, 1987.
2. J. Barwise. The Situation in Logic. CSLI Lecture Notes Number 17. Center for the Study of Language and Information, Stanford, USA, 1989.
3. J. Barwise and J. Etchemendy. The Liar: An Essay on Truth and Circularity. Oxford University Press, New York, USA, 1987.
4. J. Barwise and J. Perry. Situations and Attitudes. The MIT Press, 1983.
5. A. W. Black. A Situation Theoretic Approach to Computational Semantics. Ph.d. thesis, Department of Artificial Intelligencem, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh. U.K., 1993.